blue baleen pre conditioner


The CJC® Blue Baleen PreConditioner (PC) is a bag filter using CJC® Blue Baleen PreConditioner Inserts (PCI), designed for pre-conditioning of bilge water and other types of process or waste water.

The CJC® PreConditioner (PC) is intended for installation before a CJC® Blue Baleen Oil Absorb (OA) system in marine bilge water over board systems or other waste water systems in order to:

  • Remove solid contaminants, rust, soot, sand and dust etc. from the water.

  • Remove large oil droplets from the water, which will further extend the service time of the Blue Baleen Oil Absorb Inserts

Particle Removal
Depending on the design of the bilge water system and how it is managed onboard, the clean bilge may contain solid contaminants such as rust, soot, sand and dust particles which may blur the water and disturb the Oil Monitor sensor, resulting in higher readings than the actual oil content.
In such cases the PreConditioner is a good add-on to the Blue Baleen OilAbsorb, and it will reduce the readings on the Oil Monitor  

As standard the CJC® PreConditioner is equipped with 5 µm and 2 µm polypropylene bag filters.

Fiches de produits


Brochures & Guides

Blue Baleen brochure