oil degradation


Avoid Problems when Your Oil Ages

Oil degradation - such as oxidation products, resin, sludge and varnish - is a common problem in many industries. When oil is being used in a machine, it will degrade over a period of time, depending on the type of oil, the temperature, operational conditions and the environment.

Oil degradation can have negative effects on lubrication and hydraulic system, and may result in corrosion, sticking valves, lacquering and varnish on metal surfaces. These problems may result in serious consequences for the performance of the machinery, and may reduce the reliability of the machines.

Documented results clearly demonstrate that removing oil degradation products eliminates unplanned production stops dramatically, increases the reliability and lifetime of expensive components.


CJC® Fine Filters and CJC® Filter Separators will maintain both oil and system cleanliness:

  • Longer oil life and less maintenance
  • Increased oil performance and increased productivity
  • Lower energy consumption and environmentally friendly

Links to further information at this site:

Oil Degradation (Varnish) brochure: Read more about the degradation, the consequences, how to solve the problem, monitoring methods...

Practicing Oil Analysis Removing Varnish with Adsorption
A simple and cost-effective solution to remove varnish...

The Filter No 4: In this article you can read about the problems connected with oxidation, page 6 and 7.

Application Study: <link file:690 _blank download>Plastic Injection Moulding Machine

Learn how other customers benefit with CJC® – Click to download Customer Cases.

Brochures & Guides

Clean Oil Guide
Oil degradation brochure